Chiny - Informacje Praktyczne

Chiny - Informacje Praktyczne

Mr. Karaki deserves great respect for this achievement, and I can’t recommend you enough checking out this device in your own systems as soon as possible. One you can’t spend your whole life with never even considering replacing it with another one. He immediately proposed that I present the turntable during the cyclical meeting "Good evening with a vinyl record" organized jointly by Vinylhouse (Bogusław Ziębowicz) and Media-Hit at the Spirala club in Gliwice. It is powered by a cascade control system, with several circuits that "supervise" each other. SAHA M.M., WIKSTROM K., ROSOLOWSKI E. and IZYKOWSKI J.: "Analysis of fault location algorithms for parallel transmission lines with series compensation". ROSOŁOWSKI E., ŁUKOWICZ M., LISIK I.: "Fault detection and type classification in power transmission lines.". KASZTENNY B., ROSOŁOWSKI E., ŁUKOWICZ M., "Multi-objective optimization of a neural network based differential relay for power transformers", Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE Transmission and Distribution Conference, New Orleans, USA, April 11-16, 1999, Vol. IŻYKOWSKI J., REBIZANT W., ROSOŁOWSKI E. "ATP-EMTP testing and evaluation of a transmission line fault location algorithm", Proceedings of the 3-dInternational Scientific and Technical Conference "Mathematical modeling in electrical engineering, electronics and power electrical engineering", Lviv, 25-30 October 1999, pp. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Power System Protection PSP'98, Bled, Slovenia, 30. Sept.

ROSOŁOWSKI E., KASZTENNY B., IŻYKOWSKI J., SAHA M.M.: "Fault loop impedance analysis for a transmission line series capacitors and their overvolatage protection". BADOWSKI T., KACZMAREK W., IŻYKOWSKI J., ROSOŁOWSKI E.: "Nowoczesny system zakłóceń sieciowych przygotowany w oparciu o rejestrator MRZ-4L". PYTEL J., ROSOŁOWSKI E.,: "Kształcenie inżynierów elektryków". DUDURYCH I.M., ROSOŁOWSKI E.,: "Decomposition methods of power system electromagnetic transients simulation". The optical tracking system was located in the base, under the platter, and the tape was placed on the platter itself. Fortunately, there was no failure, and the opinions of participants encouraged me więc prepare a commercial version - since I already knew what and how toż do, why not make turntables for other people? Such people don’t have it easy because nothing is ever good enough for them and there is always something to improve. All the meetings and opinions people shared with me resulted in introduction of several improvements and changes to the project. That is why we still perceive a turntable as a complicated electro-mechanical device with special qualities, including some deficiencies.

There is also a phono preamplifier but it’s an external device. External motor of his own concept. Karaki, information appeared that his preamplifiers (ViDA and VIDA Supreme) are based on the LCR circuit i.e. Today I can say it with certainty that the BennyAudio turntable is what I dreamed about. And the IMMERSION turntable is just that - refined in every detail. This is a completely "finished" and refined product that looks as if it was prepared by one of the big specialists - SME or Clearaudio. As Mr. Tomasz said, this is uwag one of many popular turntable motors, and the meaning is it’s a more robust and "quieter", brush-less, industrial DC motor with considerable torque. „The electric turntable - as most devices - is not devoid of structural defects. However, it so happens that Polish Fonica has for years been considered one of the most interesting manufacturers of entry level and mid-price-range turntables. The difference is that BennyAudio developed both components simultaneously, before releasing any product to the market.

Well - I started to wonder, were there any other options? Witord was writing these words, there were still two names used for a RECORD PLAYER in Poland - the proper one - turntable and the 'ADAPTER'. A lot of good and even excellent Polish companies specializing in turntables and related products emerged and ever since many new ones were founded here. We’ve seen it in products of such companies as: Transrotor, Dr. One of its huge advantages is actually constant impedance "seen" by the first amplification stage. Some time passed and in September 2019 I could finally present to the world three units of my first turntable, the T1 model. Feickert Analogue, Holbo and others. The effects of others can only be weakened. I only wish a different backlight color would differentiate 45 rpm. And here the real struggle began, because a DIY component made for oneself is something totally different than a commercial product, as I soon found out.  sprawdzian  | The motor is mounted in the base and carefully separated from it using Sorbotane. If we assume that the cartridges and preamplifiers are a separate field of knowledge, it is enough to rotate a record with accurate speed and hang the cartridge so that it operates in optimal conditions.

There is an openness and vividness of the treble, full, colorful, lively, engaging midrange and strong, deep, tight, energetic bass and all of that is served in a very coherent, engaging way. And all that is achieved without a single tube in the circuit. I made many right and some wrong decisions, and above all I significantly exceeded the budget.Would I, knowing what Również do today, do it again? Platter and bearing - spare parts for Rega. The hydrodynamic, inverted bearing on which the platter spins was constructed by Mr. I planned the development process in such a way, to be able to verify early enough whether there would be a chance of success - without undue material and moral losses. One of them regularly "goes" to Vinylhouse meetings, and the other two play from time to time during the evening events organized by the Media-Hit shop. After a year and a half and five versions of the design, I dared to present my work to Krzysztof Majchrzak from the Media-Hit showroom.